Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

Prelude to War. Part IV

Australia is surrounded by the greatest Muslim population on the planet. This includes Indonesia's 180 million and other countries like Malaysia. Should we be worried about that?
The Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on a recent visit to Tehran stated his country was a friend of Iran. At the same time Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized the bullying and monopolistic spirit in the world. He said desecration of sanctities and values and disrespect for the Islamic culture as well as insult to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) are among clear samples of such an approach. "Certain Western powers also prevent Iran's access to peaceful nuclear energy which is another sample of this approach." In Ahmadinejad's visit to Malaysia he attended Friday prayers sermons at Kuala Lumpur's Velayeh mosque, the President was welcomed by worshipers of the mosque. Muslims in southeast of Asia attach special respect for President Ahmadinejad for his views on identity of the Zionist regime and the Holocaust myth.

The same mindset of fanaticism that built gas chambers 60 years ago is being led and championed by Iran. Just like Hitler, Iran wants to exterminate the Jews, they publicly say so almost every day. Iran's most influential ruling cleric called on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapons against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only".

"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world", Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani said. Hashemi-Rafsanjani, as the Chairman of the Assembly to Discern the Interests of the State, is the Islamic Republic's number two man after Ayatollah Ali Khameneh

Just days ago, Iran turned away U.N. inspectors from an underground site meant to shelter its uranium enrichment program from attack, while the country's supreme leader insisted Tehran will not give up its contentious nuclear technology. Iranian officials have said the country intended to move toward large-scale uranium enrichment involving 3,000 interconnected centrifuges in underground halls at Natanz, in central Iran, by late this year and would later expand the program to 54,000 centrifuges.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has made its own decision and in the nuclear case, God willing, with patience and power, will continue its path," said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The site is a vast complex 75 feet underground, covered by layers of materials designed to protect against bunker busting bombs.

Are we just fighting a few crazy fundamentalists? Many believe, and our and other western governments constantly affirm, that Islamic fundamentalism is a minority movement within the Muslim world. We are told Bali, 9/11, 7/7, the hijackings and other wanton killings of innocents by Muslims is a perversion of a religion of peace perpetuated by just a few who adhere to a fascist ideology. Is this true or do all Muslims want 'infidels' dead, converted or subjugated? Some define this war we are fighting as a terror war, one against Islamofascism. To the contrary, the Ummah, the nation of, answers this question by whom it supports. We are in the midst of a clash of civilizations.

The Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was recently named the most popular figure in a Middle Eastern poll. Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal took second place and Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad third according to Saadeddin Ibrahim of the Ibn Khaldoun Centre for Development Studies. These men have stated they want to wipe Israel off the map. At public rallies they shout death to America and condemn to death anyone else that shares the same values. They have a stated aim of either killing all non-Muslims or asserting strict Islamic rule over all of us. They call this peace and justice.

Most Muslims support the establishment of Shariah law, another incarnation of totalitarian rule. They honestly believe that once we are all forced under Islmaic rule, that true peace and justice can exist. Hitler's rise to power in 1933 was in part achieved by the willingness of the Nazis to murder their opponents. Islamists have shown an abundant willingness to kill anyone in their way. If one side in this argument (namely the west) preserves civility while the other chooses death, the outcome is one of surrender by the more gracious of the two sides. Here we find the appeasers, ruled by fear and defined by naivety, too afraid to call 'a spade a spade'.

Islamic Fundamentalism has displayed a staying power that signals it has achieved both the breadth and depth to remain a significant movement within Islamic societies. Regardless of either force or appeasement, Islamofascism is rapidly becoming the dominant force within Islam. Those who live in fear of their life will often submit to the power of ruthless suppressors. Hitler used this strategy. Hitler's rise to power is but one lesson among many that illustrates the consequences of appeasement.

A recent poll by the U.K. Times Online, before the airline scare, is rather troubling. A SIGNIFICANT minority of British Muslims believe they are at war with the rest of society, the largest poll of Muslims in this country suggests. 46% of young Muslims believe we should all live under Shariah law. The Populus survey for The Times and ITV News found many that think the men who carried out the London bombings of 7/7 should be regarded as 'martyrs'. Nearly twenty per cent of British Muslims, equivalent to more than 150,000 adults, believe that while the attacks were wrong, the cause was right.

Ten per cent may seem a small proportion but in absolute numbers it amounts to about 93,000 individuals who believe the 7/7 London bombers are martyrs. Twenty-seven percent had sympathy with the feelings and motives of those who carried them out.

Roughly speaking: Around 100,000 British Muslims believe the bombing was justified 400,000 British Muslims have sympathy with the feelings and motives of indiscriminate murderers 930,000 British Muslims at least understand why indiscriminate murders are the way they are and, 430,000 British Muslims are reluctant to characterize the London Bombers as 'perverted and poisonous' A full six percent of British Muslims support killing innocent people, at least those prepared to admit such. The number is probably much higher. It only takes one terrorist with access to a WMD to kill thousands, and a coordinated attack to kill millions. Moderate Muslims allow extremists to hide within their midst, shrouding their activities in secrecy.

Muslim leaders here and elsewhere often give the appearance of condemnation of the more radical elements of their religion. Most of these Muslim leaders have ties to terror organizations or have expressed sympathy with them in the past. Recent demonstrations where they waved the banner of Hizbollah proves unequivocally they are in fact patrons and sympathisers of terror. "Death to America!" is the call from Hezbollah. Nasrallah's own words: "Our motto, which we are not afraid to repeat year after year, is: Death to America!" Muslim fourth graders are taught that: "Israel is a thorn, Muslims will not rest until they cut off this disease and purify the land of Palestine from the plague of Zionism" (Freedomhouse report, p.32). Bill O'Reilly pithily summed up the situation in the world saying: "The truth is that if the Muslims laid down their weapons, most of the world would be at peace. On the other hand, if the Israelis laid down their weapons today there would be a slaughter."

During the recent conflict, Hezbollah knowingly located their missile launchers next to UN observer posts and within the residences of their own people. They not only knew, but looked forward to the inevitable collateral damage that killed UN personnel, children and other so called innocents. I make this qualification because many of the 'so called innocent' happily made way for weapons aimed at civilians in Israel. Many of these people love to see Jews and westerners killed, throwing great celebrations and expressing joy in the astreets when they are, even if the dead are children. What sort of people are these?

Why does the EU empathise with Hezbollah? Lets have a quick look at Hezbollah's handywork: · In 1983 241 American marines were murdered when Hezbollah drove 12,000 pounds of trinitrotoluene into their barracks at the Beirut Airport. The Americans were there as a part of an international peacekeeping effort to protect Muslims. · In 1985, Navy Diver Robert Stethem traveling on hijacked TWA flight 847, was singled out by Hezbollah killers. He was beaten in front of other passengers and shot to death. · In 1988 American Marine Corps Col. William Higgins, on a UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, was captured by Hezbollah, tortured and hung, his image turned into the first of many jihadi snuff films circulated around the world to show our weakness. · 1996. Nineteen Americans were murdered at The Khobar Towers · Prior to Al Qaeda attacking on 9/11, Hezbollah had killed more Americans and westerners than any other terrorist organization. · American army officer William F. Buckley was abducted by Hezbollah in March 1984. For 15 months Buckley was tortured and killed.

The head of Shin Beth, Israel's Internal Security Service, has warned his Government against the strengthening of ties between Iran and Hamas. Shin Beth chief Yuval Diskin told the Israeli Cabinet that Iranian influence was growing within Gaza and that several tonnes of explosives and weapons had been smuggled into Gaza in recent months via the border with Egypt. In addition, that Hezbollah were using Russian-made missiles.

A senior Israeli delegation went to Moscow to complain that Russian-made anti-tank missiles were used by Hezbollah guerrillas in their 34-day conflict with Israeli forces in Lebanon. Asaf Shariv, a senior adviser to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, said that the delegation had gone to Russia, but did not elaborate. The anti-tank missiles proved to be one of Hezbollah's most effective weapons in combat in south Lebanon, killing many of the 118 Israeli soldiers who died in the clashes.

In Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, and Indonesia - countries where the majority of the citizens are Muslims, extremists exist in far greater numbers and are either outright encouraged or tolerated by these governments. Pakistan hangs on to secularity by a thread, as does Saudi Arabia. This will change. The house of Saud will eventually crumble and an Islamic government will replace Musharraf. Indonesia will go the same way. The race to deliver a nuclear capability to extreme Islam will be between Pakistan and Iran.

An Iran armed with nuclear weapons is a mortal threat to American, Israeli, Australian and European cities. If a non-nuclear Iran is prepared to finance, arm and train Hezbollah, sustain a war against Israel from southern Lebanon and support actions against coalition forces in Iraq, what would a nuclear Iran do? Iranian officials were present at North Korea's missile launches on our Fourth of July and possess missile technology purchased from China and Russia that is capable of reaching the US or Australia for that matter. The clock is ticking.

The same mindset of fanaticism that built gas chambers 60 years ago is now hijacking airplanes and flying them into buildings and overseeing the preparation of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. The world's new enemies are far more willing to kill than either Hitler or Stalin ever did.

We are not just witnessing a Middle Eastern War; we are getting involved in the next World War. It might pay to start think how we might win this one. To do nothing is to lose. by Kerry Plowright

Airline Reward Credit Card - Travel For Free

Thinking of getting a free roundtrip airfare to your next holiday in exotic Bali, Indonesia for free? Not quite possible you smirk, but rejoice! That can possibly be your next destination this summer. After all, the best things in life are free! So goes the old adage.

Your plastic money right inside your wallet will do the trick. With today’s busy executive and avid travelers crisscrossing the world fast as broadband internet, credit card institutions and airline companies have tied up offering discriminating consumers value for money programs earning the smart traveler free flights on the next overseas trip. Since its conceptualization years ago, this has grown into a lucrative merger to the delight of everyone.

Availing is easy as one two and three. A quick browse at your computer will set you off to your next holiday for free. Here’s how it works, all you have to do is register and sign up online. Most transactions now are done electronically and your friendly twenty four hour customer service officer is on duty to take your request anywhere in the world responding to of all your queries and even approving your credit card application instantly.

Such is Citibank for example and American Airlines with the AA CitiBronze World Master Card with no annual fee boasting with bonus miles compatible with its frequent flyer program. Another airline reward credit card you can choose from is Blue from American Express. Your application can have a decision in sixty seconds, no annual fee to pay, zero APR on your next purchases in the next 15 months with a low balance transfer APR- 4.99% for the life of the balance.

If you like shopping in Hong Kong, dining in New York and high fashion entertainment in Paris, then this is for you. After all, one doesn’t need that much to experience pure luxury and quality, rewarding you with great money back features for having an excellent credit.

These virtual passports on the go anywhere, anytime has the superb features of a having a miles credit card that allows you to earn one point for every actual air miles you have flown which translates into free flights depending on your favorite airline. No need to inform them as a mileage plus tracker is promptly issued to you through your email address or postal address together with the list of transactions you have done.

Jim Davies, 39, a frequent flyer from John F. Kennedy airport in New York to Heathrow Terminal one in London was pleasantly surprise at the check-in counter when informed that his Trans Atlantic economy seat was upgraded to business class. “ I am totally happy” he was quoted to have exclaimed by airline staff.

Belinda Johnson of Liverpool, United Kingdom was en route to a long haul flight to New Delhi, India, her trip was delayed for several hours due to unavoidable circumstances causing her much anxiety but her predicament didn’t go unnoticed. Not only she was given a first class but her mileage plus status was doubled earning her a free seat in her next trip.

Airline executives, who wish to remain discreet issued a statement saying that “valued frequent flyers are like family to us, that’s why they keep on coming back.”

Another feature this credit card is the best rewards credit card program, it sure is a bargain for the discriminating client that comes mostly in a 3 in one card that empowers the customer to decide what to avail from the options given, depending on your choice, from freebies with tie up companies like gas stations, retail shops, home improvement stores and even stuff for the kids. These have low interest rates, low finance charges on late payments. Another superb feature provides rebates or cash back on purchases, offering mileage rewards, travel insurance and big discounts on useful services.

Say, if you want an upgrade buying your next car but wants to reduce the price from the actual cost can easily be arranged with your best rewards officer from your choice of bank.

The possibilities are indeed endless; the key here is finding a credit card that suits your lifestyle depending on your choice and flexibility in terms of payment. Life is meant to be experienced the way we always wanted so enjoy your next flight. by Hamm Morgan

The Sidereal Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter's Transit of Sagittarius

(Jupiter enters Sagittarius on Nov 21 and will stay there for 361 days, which is known as a Jupiterian Year or a Barhaspathya in Sanskrit )
Moon Sign or Lunar Ascendant - The Zodiacal Sign where Moon is posited in your sidereal horoscope.

Moon Sign Gemini
The divine planet blesses you and this manifests as prosperity & happiness from children. Your merit will be appreciated by the multitude and you become the cynosure of all eyes. Educational gains and spiritual progress. As Jove takes a favourable stance, Jupiterian significations will increase. Jove's significations are happiness, children, intuition, creative intelligence, mental peace and spiritual progress. There may be gains in speculation. Goodwill increases. Your diplomacy will be appreciated by the public. This is the ideal time to strive for Self_Actualisation using Jnana & Bhakthi Yogas. The significations ruled by Jupiter, finance and progeny, get a boost and you become happier than before. ( Bhogan )

Moon Sign Cancer
The planet of wealth turns malign and blocks and barriers crop up. Progress is hindered by impediments. Financial tightness also makes its mark. There will be many misunderstandings with loved ones. Enemies find this a convenient time to attack. You will be upset by trouble from enemies as Jove transits the House of Enemies. ( Ripu Badham ). Jupiterian significations like wealth, children, ,mental peace, intelligence & general happiness are bound to suffer. Battling with barriers becomes a tough task and you feel that Life is Strife. This is the time when Maveli was bound indicating that the even the greatest can be bound by an adverse Jupiter. . ( Shashte Maveli Bandhanam )

Moon Sign Leo
Prosperity decreed as the planet of finance transits the favourable fifth. You feel a lot better than previous year. The inner intuitive urge will make you spiritual and religious. There will be more interest in spiritual matters as the Divine Guru of all planets blesses you in no uncertain measure. This is the ideal time to try for spiritual progress. The noble planet generates spirituality in the Heart and redeems lost wealth. There will be a tremendous growth of righteousness and you go on doing altruistic acts. ( Putra Dhanapthim ) . More happiness from children and there will be an increase of Jupiterian significations like wealth, happiness and children ( Jeeve Jnana Sukhe)

Moon Sign Virgo
Problems attack you like a Hydra due to Jove's malign transit of the fourth. Barriers to progress increase as enemies try to block your progress. Loss of position and wandering about. You will have to recourse to remedial measures during this adverse phase. Jove is the Guru in the astrological hierarchy & he will compensate for the temporary setbacks when he transits Scorpio. This is the period when Pandavas lost their kingdom and went into exile, meaning that even the greatest can lose their position due to an unfavorable Jupiter. " Bandhu Klesam "- You may be tormented by relatives. The jealous amongst relatives will use this time to attack you and spread rumours about you. Domestic happiness takes a beating.

Moon Sign Libra
Jupiterian significations like happiness, children, intelligence, intuitive capacity, mental peace, fame and prestige all will suffer as Jove takes an adverse stance. The significator of Finance turns malign & one feels that one is going through the fiscal purgatory. Mental peace takes a beating & there will be a dearth of happiness. Expenditure spirals beyond expectations. There may be misunderstandings with friends & relatives. This is the time when Lord Brahma lost his head meaning that even the greatest will have to face adversity during this torrid phase. This is one of the worst phases in one's life and one feels that Life is full of thorns. But then, no roses without thorns, no Crown without cross, no gain without pain & and no Heaven without Hell. ( Sthithi Nasam ) . Problems in the professional sphere have to be faced. The jealous amongst your competitors or rivals will use this time to spread rumours about you. You need not be unduly perturbed by their machinations. Remember the adage " War, the countersign; Victory, the word divine ".

Moon Sign Scorpio
As Jove takes a favourable stance, Jupiterian significations will increase. Jove's significations are happiness, children, intuition, creative intelligence, mental peace and spiritual progress. Jupiter becomes benign as he is posited in the 2nd. As he is the significator of finance, prosperity will increase eightfold. Gains in education as the 2nd represents education. You gain a lot of friends. You are extolled for your virtue and your reputation increases. There will be a strong urge from within to pursue intellectual pursuits & to amass knowledge and Wisdom & also to move away from the madding crowd. Temporarily at least, the positive aspect in you will be more predominant. ( Vitha Samruddhim )

Moon Sign Sagittarius
This is an unfavourable period for you as the planet of Wisdom turns malevolent & hostile in the adverse First. Uncontrollable expenditure, health hazards & unnecessary wanderings and journeys involving wastage of time & money indicated. All sorts of afflictions, financial & physical will visit you. Melancholy marks you for her own as problems overwhelm you. Dissipation of wealth. This is the time when Lord Rama when to the forest. ( Janma Rama Vane Dukham ). Even emperors take to alms during this phase. ( Nana Dukham )

Moon Sign Capricorn
In the malevolent 12th, Jupiter turns malign & many problems you will have to encounter in mundane life. Expenditure spirals beyond control. You have to be careful while handling money. Children also may pose problems as Jove is the significator of children. Jovian significations are children, happiness, intuitive capacity, creative intelligence and faculties & spiritual progress This is the time when Ravana lost his head indicating that even the mightiest can be defeated by an adverse Jupiter. ( Dukha Bhayam Yachhati Jeeva )

Moon Sign Aquarius
This is an ideal time for speculation as Jove turns benign and prosperity can be had if you are ready to take a few calculated risks. Financial and educational gains indicated . Jovian significations like happiness, children, intuition, creative intelligence & spiritual progress increase. Also your financial assets will increase. And so will goodwill & reputation. Your merits will be extolled. Whatever Jupiter had taken last year will be given back to you. If you speculate, you may come up with flying colours. Monetary windfall can be expected from the stock market & jackpot. ( Sthana Prapthim )

Moon Sign Pisces
Impediments in profession. Loss of position and wandering about. Misunderstandings increase as Jove takes an adverse stance. Jupiterian significations like happiness, children, intelligence, intuitive capacity, mental peace, fame and prestige all will suffer as Jove takes an adverse stance Financial tightness looms large on the horizon. Be careful about spending money. Unnecessary expenditure take its toll of your purse. There may be problems in the professional sphere. Jealous people in the realm of profession may take this time to attack you and create problems. This is the time when Darika was killed meaning that 10th Jove can bring in loss of position and wealth. . ( Dhana Hanim )

Moon Sign Aries
The financial planet turns benign and ushers in a prosperous period. There may be educational and financial gains. You will get relief from last years' eighth Jupiter. As Jove takes a favourable stance, Jupiterian significations will increase. Jove's significations are happiness, children, intuition, creative intelligence, mental peace and spiritual progress. This is the ideal time for Meditation and to enjoy the bliss of the Self. Your merit and good deeds will be appreciated by the multitude. More happiness from children and financial gains indicated.( Vitha Sukhapthim )

Moon Sign Taurus
Impediments to progress loom large on the horizon. Jupiter is extremely malefic in the 8th. All sorts of hindrances and obstacles crop up in your path. You become melancholic as a result. Financial tightness and misunderstandings with loved ones. You become subject to the machinations of your enemies. It will be in your interest to avoid arguments & unnecessary speculation. This is not the ideal time to speculate. Also be careful in handling human relations. This is the time when Bali fell indicating that even the mightiest can fall due to Jove's adverse stance. ( Ashtame Haritho Bali ). Wear Jupiterian amulet ( Brihaspathi Yantra ) to safeguard against malefic influences. ( Rogan )

Astro-Therapy for Jupiterian Transit
Jupiter is the greatest benefic in the astrological hierarchy ( 1300 earths can be fit into Jupiter ) & his transit is indeed very important to the astrological fraternity. As he is the planet of Wealth, his transits can make or break you. He also represents children and happiness from progeny also depends on his favourable or unfavourable stance.

Jupiterian Transit is adverse for Houses 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 - Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio & Sagittarius

He is benevolent for Houses 2, 5, 7, 9 & 11
As astro-therapeutic remedies, you can fast on Thursdays, read the Scriptures on Thursdays, wear Yellow Sapphire on Thursdays & consecrate to the Lord on Thursdays. Jupiterian Mantras have been given in our webpage

You can chant his mantra, his Stotra, his Peedahara Stora & his Gayatri for optimum relief. Wearing Talismans or Amulets ( particularly Jupiterian Amulets like Brihaspathi Yantra ) can be very beneficial as it wards off the the malefic Jupiterian rays. Performing Jupiter Havan ( Brihaspathi Homa ) by 3 Brahmin scholars ( 3*336 Urus of the Brihaspathi Mantra before a Homa Kunda ) also imparts relief. Thursday is derived from Thor's Day ( Thor - Jupiter ). Thursday was consecrated to Jupiter. ( From the Latin Iovis Dies & the Sanskrit Brihaspathivar ) Yellow Sapphire is his primary gemstone & Golden Topaz or Citrine his secondary gemstone.

If you are in doubt, please contact
Note - The above results are general and they should be carefully applied to individual horoscopes in the light of directional influences ( Dasa ). For example, if there are no powerful yogas in the radical chart , reputation wealth & fame denoted by a transit will have a very limited scope for expression.

Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Aries & Aquarius - Take this opportunity of a favourable Jupiterian Transit and prosper. You have to channelise your energies in a special way. Please contact to know how. by G Kumar